Goddessa was created as a inspiration to empower women to reconnect to the sacred through sensual awakening, authentic expression and embodied love. It is a virtual temple where women can learn, heal and awaken to their unique feminine expression through the mystery of the feminine way.

Goddessa plays on the idea of being a Modern Day Goddess. This is another way of saying embrace and live the divinity within you. When you embrace the Goddess within it empowers you to live your highest potential. When you live your highest potential you live a fulfilled life. And living fulfilled life sends a positive ripple out to the world and inspires those you meet to do the same.

Awakening your feminine nature, involves embracing your lifeforce energy. Your lifeforce energy is often constricted by fear, negative ideas, traumas and societal conditioning. When lifeforce energy is constricted it can lead to sickness, depression and a feeling of a life lacking lustre. Goddessa is here to help you let go of these limiting patterns and heal trauma so your lifeforce can flow freely and you can be fully expressed in your authenticity without fear.

Goddessa also is here to inspire you to be sensually and sexually empowered. For too long now feminine sexuality has been exploited, repressed and objectified. Now is the time to reclaim this power and live it in an healthy, beautifully expressed way. When we can embrace pleasure we embrace deep freedom and ecstasy in our lives.

Goddessa is here to reconnect you to the mystery and to mother earth where you can tap into the depths of feminine wisdom and find your unique feminine expression. By stepping into your feminine power, radiance, unique beauty and love and sharing your gifts you can make the world a better place.Now is the time to live as a modern goddess and live a fulfilled life .